Final fun ODE at Anslow

 Bank Holiday Saturday (24 August) saw the last of this season’s Midlands Carriagedriving (MC) fun One-Day Events, held at Anslow in Derbyshire. Those who take part enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and the opportunity to educate and refresh ponies and horses in friendly competition, or just use the event for a practice run.

Husband and wife, Jon and Sandra White, probably were the most competitive even though they were in separate classes as they do like to outdo one another. Jon, driving in the Novice Horse class, described his dressage as a bit of a ‘car crash’ so was delighted to score a double clear in the cones. Sandra, competing with her little Hackney in the Small Pony class added just 4.5 time penalties to her dressage score after cones. However, she did come out on top in the short marathon with the fastest times of the day, marginally beating Jon’s times so both went home happy.

Jon White

Sandra White

Also in the Small Pony class were Fiona Clayton and Julie Barker, both having a go at outdoor trials for the first time. Fiona’s compact little bay caught the eye and performed well to win the class while Julie’s tiny Shetland appeared to enjoy rattling round the cones and obstacles, taking third place with Sandra in second.

Fiona Clayton

Julie Barker

In the Open Pony class, Elisabeth Greensmith took back the reins of her beloved Charlee – who has been driven this year in national events by Robert Buck – and quickly re-established their rapport. Linda Wiggin and her native pony both had smiles on their faces as they competed in the Intermediate Pony class to record the second lowest overall score of the day.

Elisabeth Greensmith

Linda Wiggin

Regular Anslow supporter Chris Ainscough took the opportunity to drive his 2023 Open Horse National Championship winner HC in dressage only as a warm-up before the Singles World Championships in France next month; Chris also drove HC in Novice Pony with a pretty skewbald mare having her first ever outing in a competition environment. Midlands wishes Chris ‘Good Luck’ in Le Pin au Haras.

Next on the calendar is the MC AGM (watch for the date and venue details which will be announced soon). The club’s committee welcomes discussing thoughts and events that competitors would like to participate in during next season. Please contact a member of the committee to raise ideas or suggestions for inclusion in the Agenda. 


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